Prof. Kerry Lee
Learning Sciences Research Mentor
Department of Early Childhood Education
Education University of Hong Kong
Prof. Kerry Lee is a full professor in the Department of Early Childhood Education at The Education University of Hong Kong. Prior to coming in Hong Kong, he worked as an Associate Professor of Psychology and a Program Head of the Educational & Cognitive Development Laboratory at the National Institute of Education, Singapore. His Research interests revolves around: 1.) development of executive functioning, 2.) individual differences in mathematics achievement, 3.) assessment of inhibitory or self-regulatory abilities, 4.) impact of social and educational environment on young children's development, and 5.) Design and analyses of longitudinal studies.
Journal Publications:​
Yao, S-Y., Munez, D., Bull, R., Lee, K.; Khng, K. H., Poon, K. (2017). Rasch Modeling of the Test of Early Mathematics Ability–Third Edition with a Sample of K1 Children in Singapore. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 36(6), 615-627.
Luo, W., Ng, P. T., Lee, K., Aye, K. M. (2016). Self-efficacy, value, and achievement emotions as mediators between parenting practice and homework behavior: A control-value theory perspective. Learning and Individual Differences, 50, 175-282.
Ng, E. L. & Lee, K. (2016). Test Anxiety and Children’s Working Memory Task Performance: Does Trait or State Anxiety Matter More? Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 7(3), 374-390.
Lee, K. & Bull, R. (2016). Developmental Changes in Working Memory, Updating, and Math Achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 108(6), 869-882.
Lee, K. (2016). Mathematical Competence, Teaching, and Learning. Reflections on 'Challenges in Mathematical Cognition' by Alcock et al. (2016) Journal of Mathematical Cognition, 2(1), 48-522.
Bull, R. Lee, K. Koh, I., Poon, K. K. (2016). Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in Singaporean Kindergartners. Child: Care, Health & Development, 42(1), 109-116.
Luo, W., Lee, K., Koh, I. (2015). Do competitive performance goals and cooperative social goals conflict? A latent interaction analysis. Learning and Individual Differences, 39, 186-192.
Ng, E. L. & Lee, K. (2015). Effects of Trait Test Anxiety and State Anxiety on Children's Working Memory Task Performance. Learning and Individual Differences. 40, 141-148.
Ang, S. Y., Lee, K.*, Cheam, F., Poon K. K., & Koh, J. Y. Y. (2015). Working memory and updating training: immediate improvement, long-term sustainability, and generalizability to non-trained tasks. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition,4(2), 121-128.
Bunterm, T., Lee, K.*, Ng Lan Kong, J., Srikoon S., Vangpoomyai, P., Ratthanawongsa, J., Rachahoon, K. (2014). Do Different Levels of Inquiry Lead to Different Learning Outcomes? A Comparison between Guided and Structured Inquiry. International Journal of Science Education, 36(12), 1937-1959.
Luo, W. S., Lee, K., Ng, P. T., Ong, J. X. W. (2014). Incremental beliefs of ability, achievement emotions and learning of Singapore students. Educational Psychology,34(5), 619-634.
Khng, F., & Lee, K. (2014). The relationship between Stroop and stop-signal measures of inhibition in adolescents: Influences from variations in context and measure estimation. PLoS ONE, 9(7), e101356.
Bull, R. & Lee, K. (2014). Executive functioning and mathematical performance. Child Development Perspectives,8(1), 36-41.
Lee, K., Ning, F., & Goh, H. C. (2014). Interaction between Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Factors: the Influences of Academic Goal Orientation and Working Memory on Mathematical Performance. Educational Psychology, 34(1), 73-91.
Lee, K., Bull, R., & Ho, R. M. H. (2013). Developmental Changes in Executive Functioning. Child Development, 84(6), 1933-1953.
Lee, K., Khng, K. H., Ng, S. F., Ng Lan Kong, J. (2013). Longer Bars for Bigger Numbers? Children’s Usage and Understanding of Graphic Representations of Algebraic Problems. Frontline Learning Research, 1,81-96 .
Lee, K., Ng, S. F., Pe, M. L., Ang, Su. Y., Mohd Hasshim, M. N. A., Bull, R. (2012). The Cognitive Underpinnings of Emerging Mathematical Skills: Executive Functioning, Patterns, Numeracy, and Arithmetic. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 82(1), 82-99.
Lee, K., Ng, S. F., Bull, R., Pe, M. L., Ho, R. M. H. (2011). Are patterns important? An investigation of the relationships between proficiencies in patterns, computation, executive functioning, and algebraic word problems. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103(2), 269-281.
Lee, K., & Ng, S. F. (2011). Neuroscience and the teaching of mathematics. Educational Philosophy and Theory,43(1), 81-86.
Lee, K., Yeung, S., Ng, S. F., Venkatramun, V., Graham, S., Chee, M. W. L., (2010). Computing Solutions to Algebraic Problems Using a Symbolic Versus a Schematic Strategy. ZDM - International Journal of Mathematics Education, 42(6), 591-605.
Ng, E. L. & Lee, K. (2010). Children’s Task Performance under Stress and Non-stress Conditions. Cognition & Emotion, 24(7), 1229-1238.
Ang, S. Y. & Lee, K.* (2010). Exploring developmental differences in visual short-term and working memory. Developmental Psychology, 46(1), 279-285.
Lee, K., Pe, M. L., Ang, S. Y., & Stankov, L. (2009). Do Measures of Working Memory Predict Academic Proficiency Better Than Measures of Intelligence?. Psychological Science Quarterly, 51(4), 403 - 419.
Khng, F., & Lee, K. (2009). Inhibiting interference from prior knowledge: Arithmetic intrusions in algebra word problem solving. Learning and Individual Differences, 19, 262 - 268. (Impact factor: 1.612, Rank: x/38, 2010 JCR)
Ng, S. F., & Lee, K. (2009). Model method: singapore children’s tool for representing and solving algebra word problems. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 40(3), 282-313.
Lee, K., Ng, E. L., Ng, S. F. (2009). The contributions of working memory and executive functioning to problem representation and solution generation in algebraic word problems. Journal of Educational Psychology,101(2), 373 - 387.
Ang, S. Y. & Lee, K. (2008). Central executive involvement in children’s spatial memory. Memory, 16(8), 918 - 933.
Lee, K. & Peh, Y. X. (2008). Differences in Working Memory Profiles amongst Children with Low versus Average Academic Performances. Korean Journal of Thinking and Problem Solving, 18(1), 21 - 41.
Ng, S. F., & Lee, K.. (2008). As long as the drawing is logical, size does not matter. Korean Journal of Thinking and Problem Solving,18(1), 67 -80.
Lee, K., Lim, Z. Y., Yeung, S., Venkatraman, V., Ng, S. F., & Chee, M. W. L., (2007). Strategic differences in algebraic problem solving: Neuroanatomical correlates. Brain Research, 1155 (June), 163 – 171.
Ng, S. F. & Lee, K. (2005). How Primary Five Pupils Use the Model Method to Solve Word Problems. The Mathematics Educator, 9 (1), 60 - 84.
Chee, M. W. L., Goh, J. O. S., Lim, Y. H., Graham, S., & Lee, K. (2004). Recognition memory for studied words is determined by cortical activation differences at encoding but not during retrieval. Neuroimage, 22(4), 1456 - 1465.
Lee, K. (2004). Age, neuropsychological, and social cognitive measures as predictors of individual differences in susceptibility to the misinformation effect. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 18 (8), 997 - 1019.
Lee, K., Ng, S. F., Ng, E. L., Lim, Z. Y. (2004). Working memory and literacy as predictors of performance on algebraic word problems. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 89(2), 140-158.
Lee, K. (2003). Neuroscience and education: promises and pitfalls. Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, 23(2), 109-120.
Lee, K., & Bussey, K. (2001). Children’s susceptibility to retroactive interference: the effects of age and degree of learning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 80, 372-391.
Lee, K., & Bussey, K. (1999). The effects of misleading and inconsistent postevent information on children's recollections of criterion-learned information. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 73(3), 161-182.
Book Chapters:
Lee, K., Ng, S. F., Bull, R. (2016). Learning and solving more complex problems: The roles of working memory, updating, and prior skills for general mathematical achievement and algebra. In Geary, D. C., Berch, D. B., Ochsendorf, R., & Mann Koepke, K. (Eds.), Acquiring complex arithmetic skills and higher-order mathematical concepts (pp. 000-000). San Diego, CA: Elsevier Academic Press.
Lee, K. & Ng, S. F. (2009). Solving Algebraic Word Problems: The Roles of Working Memory and the Model Method. In K. Y. Yoong, P. Y. Lee, B. Kaur, P. Y. Foong, & S. F. Ng (Eds.). Mathematics Education: The Singapore Journey (pp. 204-226). Singapore: World Scientific.
Ng, S. F. & Lee, K. (2009). Model method: A visual tool to support algebra word problem solving at the primary level - A Pedagogical perspective. In K. Y. Yoong, P. Y. Lee, B. Kaur, P. Y. Foong, & S. F. Ng (Eds.). Mathematics Education: The Singapore Journey (pp. 169-203). Singapore: World Scientific.
Lee, K. & Ng, S. F. (2008). Working memory and cognitive functions. In O. S. Tan & A. S. H. Seng (Eds.). Cognitive Modifiability in Learning and Assessment: International Perspectives. Singapore: Cengage Learning.
Ng, S. W., Lee, K*., Ang, S. Y., & Khng, F. (2006). Model Method: Obstacle or bridge to learning symbolic algebra. In Bokhorst-Heng, Osborne, Lee (Eds.). Redesigning Pedagogies. NY: Sense.
Bussey, K., Lee, K., Grimbeek, J. (1993). Lies and Secrets: Implications for Children's Reporting of Sexual Abuse. In G. Goodman, & B. Bottoms (eds.), Child victims, child witnesses: Understanding and improving testimony (pp.147-168). NY: Guildford Press.