Dr. Yuyang Cai
Learning Sciences Research Group Post-doc
Post Doctoral Fellow
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
Education University of Hong Kong
CAI, Yuyang obtained his PhD in language testing and assessment. He has been interested in investigating the role of linguistic factors, thinking skills, and disciplinary knowledge and motivational goals in language performance. He is also interested in applying various analytical models (e.g., generalizability theory, item response theory, and conventional and mixture structural equation modeling) to his research. He was the chief designer of a national test of English for Specific Purposes in China and had acted as a key member in a research team developing an English for Academic Purposes language test in Hong Kong.
Journal Articles
Cai, Y.& Kunnan, A. (2018). Examining the inseparability of content knowledge from LSP reading ability: An approach combining bifactor-multidimensional item response theory and structural equation modeling. Language Assessment Quarterly.https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15434303.2018.1451532
Cai, Y. & Zhu, X. (2016). Learning strategies and reading literacy among Chinese and Finnish adolescents: Evidence of suppression. Educational Psychology: An international Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01443410.2016.1170105
Cai, Y. (2015). The added value of test responses to content validity evaluation: A bifactor- MIRT approach. Nurse Education Today, 35 (12), 1181-1185. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2015.05.014
Cai, Y. (2014). Comparing two theories of grammatical knowledge assessment: A bifactor-MIRT analysis. Language Learning in Higher Education, 4 (1), 59-76.
Cai, Y. (2014). The influence of strategic competence on ESP reading test performance. The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment, 16(2), 47-70.
Cai, Y. (2013). Validating a scale measuring strategic competence during ESP reading test performance: An application of bifactor multidimensional graded response model. Asian English for Specific Purposes Journal, 9(2), 26-5.
Cai, Y. (2013). Validating ESP reading test performance using the bifactor-MIRT. Research in Educational Studies, 11, 87-98.
Cai, Y. (2012). Modeling the effects of language knowledge and background knowledge on ESP reading test performance. Research in Educational Studies, 10, 59-82.
Cai, Y. & Tao, K. Y. (2018). The Rasch model, Additive Conjoint Measurement, and new models of probabilistic measurement theory. Translated work, to appear in M. M. C. Mok, & Q. Zhang (Eds), Introduction to Rasch Measurement.
Cai, Y., Xiao, Y. & Yu, M. (2012). (Ed.) Proceedings of Research Postgraduate Conference 2012, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.
METS (2007). Medical English Test System (METS) Syllabus Level-1. Shanghai: Higher Education Press. (General Executive Editor). (General editor)
METS (2007). Medical English Test System (METS) Syllabus Level-2. Shanghai: Higher Education Press. (General Executive Editor). (General editor)
METS (2007). Medical English Test System (METS) Syllabus Level-3. Shanghai: Higher Education Press. (General Editor).
Cai, Y. & King, R. (2017). The variation of formative assessment effect on adolescents’ literacy achievement across cultures: A multi-group multilevel mixture modeling approach. Paper to be presented at the Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) International Conference 2017, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Cai, Y. (2017). Using the Trait–State–Occasion model to examine changes in graduate students’ metacognitive strategic competence. Paper presented at the 4th Asian Association of Language Assessment (AALA) Conference, National Taiwan University, Tai Pei.
Li, E, Cheung, H.T., Cai, Y. (2017). Towards a Discipline-Sensitive English Language Proficiency Assessment. Paper presented at the Faces of English 2 Conference. The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Cai, Y. (2017). The fluctuation of strategy use effect with L2 Proficiency on L2 Reading: Proposal of the IRC Model. Invited talk at School of Foreign Languages, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, China.
Cai, Y. (2014). Modeling the cuboid moderation of language knowledge on strategic competence: An exploration with ESP reading test process. Paper presented at the Sciences of Learning Strategic Research Theme 2014 Summer Institute, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Cai, Y. (2014). Exploring the interaction between strategic competence and language knowledge: Does a language threshold exist? Paper presented at the 7th Hong Kong Association of Applied Linguistics Conference, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Cai, Y. (2013). Examining the quality of a scoring rubric using generalizability theory and Many-Facet Rasch measurement. Paper presented in the Postgraduate Research Conference, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Cai, Y. (2013) Understanding the role of subject-matter knowledge in ESP ability: Messages for teachers. Paper presented in the 10th Annual European Association of Language Testing and Assessment Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Cai, Y. (2013). The Triple-Decker Model for ESP reading: Insights from multilevel structural equation modeling based on multidimensional item response theory composites. Paper presented in the Postgraduate Research Conference, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. [Best Paper Presentation].
Cai, Y. (2012). Modeling the effects of strategy use on ESP reading test performance. Paper presented in the 1rst International Conference of the Chinese Association for ESP & The 4th International Conference on ESP in Asia, Hong Kong, China.
Cai, Y. (2012). Modeling the interaction between language knowledge and background knowledge in predicting ESP reading test performance: An IRT-SEM approach. Paper presented in the Postgraduate Research Conference, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Cai, Y. (2012). Empirically verifying Douglas’ ESP ability hypotheses: An IRT-SEM approach. Paper presented in the 34th Language Testing Research Colloquium, Princeton, USA.
Cai, Y. (2011), Language knowledge, background knowledge, and LSP reading test performance. Paper presented at the 4th HAAL Conference, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Cai, Y. (2007). Item analysis for METS. Technical report presented at the Second METS conference, Beijing Municipal Communist Party School, Beijing, China.
Cai, Y. (2007). Quality control of the METS. Academic talk at Shandong Medical College, Jinan, Shandong, China.
Cai, Y. (2007). The development of the Medical English Test System (METS). Technical report at The First METS Conference, Wuxi Health College, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China.