Dr. Karen Zhoc
Learning Sciences Research Group Member
Post Doctoral Fellow
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
The Education University of Hong Kong
Dr. Karen Zhoc is a Post-doctoral Fellow in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the Education University of Hong Kong. She obtained her MEd (Psychology in Education) from the University of Bristol, UK and PhD (Educational Psychology) from the University of Hong Kong. Prior to joining the EdUHK, she worked at HKU and HKUST overseeing institutional surveys and research projects. She also served at the then Education and Manpower Bureau for monitoring the quality of the research projects commissioned. Karen’s research interest lies broadly in educational and psychological measurement and evaluation, learning sciences as well as students’ emotions and well-being.
Professional Membership
Chartered Psychologist, British Psychological Society (Division of Educational and Child Psychology)
Journal Publications
Zhoc, K. C. H., Webster, B. J., King, R. B., Li, J. C. H., & Chung, T. S. H. (2018). Higher Education Student Engagement Scale (HESES): Development and Psychometric Evidence. Research in Higher Education. Advance online publication. Doi: 10.1007/s11162-018-9510-6
Zhoc, K. C. H., Li, J. C. H. & Webster, B. J. (2017). New reliability and validity evidence of the Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS). Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 35(6), 599-614. DOI: 10.1177/0734282916653901
Zhoc, K. C. H. & Chen, G. (2016). Reliability and validity evidence for the Self-Directed Learning Scale. Learning and Individual Differences, 49, 245-250. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2016.06.013​
Lo, R., Woo J., Zhoc, K., Li, C., Yeo, W., Johnson, P., Mak, Y. and Lee, J. (2002) Quality of life of palliative care patients in the last two weeks of life. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 24(4), 388-397.
Lo, R., Woo J. & Zhoc, K. Li, C., Yeo, W., Johnson, P., Mak, Y. and Lee, J. (2001). Cross-cultural validation of the McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire in Hong Kong Chinese. Palliative Medicine, 15(5), 387-397.
Conference Papers
Zhoc, K. (2017, December). Emotional intelligence (EI) and self-directed learning: Their relation and contribution to student success in higher education. Symposium conducted at the WERA Focal Meeting & HKERA International Conference 2017, Hong Kong.
Zhoc, K. (2013, December). On the psychometric properties of the Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS): Findings from a sample of university students in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Postgraduate Research Conference 2013, Hong Kong
Lo, R., Woo J., & Zhoc, K. Li, C., Yeo, W., Johnson, P., Mak, Y. and Lee, J. (2001). Cross-cultural validation of McGill Quality of Life Scale in palliative care for Hong Kong Chinese – Final analysis. Paper presented at the Asia Pacific Hospice Conference 2001.