Dr. Wincy Wing Sze Lee
Learning Sciences Research Group Member
Assistant Professor
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
Education University of Hong Kong
EduHK RICH Profile: click here
Wincy is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education and Human Development. Prior to joining the Institute, she took up the Post-doctoral fellowship in The University of Hong Kong specializing Sciences of Learning; and she had also served as lecturer and program leader (Psychology) in Hong Kong Community College (an affiliate of PolyU) where she gained solid experiences in teaching, program management and orcehstrating institute-wide implementation of Outcome-based Education.
Besides teaching in areas of curriculum planning and principle-based instruction, Wincy's major research interest is in epistemic beliefs and epistemic development with the use of constructivist learning environment and her dissertation work on such topic has won the Award for Outstanding Research Postgraduate Student in The University of Hong Kong. She has also solid experience and deep interest in thinking methodology (critical thinking).
Journal Publications
Lee, W.W.S.& Chan, C.K.K. (2018). Relationships among Epistemic Beliefs, Perception of Learning Environment, Study Approaches and Academic Performance: A Longitudinal Exploration with 3P Model. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. Online first
Lee, W.W.S.(2018). The timing and critical incident of epistemic belief change in Hong Kong Chinese community college students: An exploratory study, Asia Pacific Journal of Education. Online first
Lee, W.W.S.(2017). Brief report: Predicting community college students’ psychological stress with grit and perception of failure. Journal of Adolescence, 60, 148-152.​
Lee, W.W.S, & Chan, V.C.W. (2017). Cross-sectional Study on Chinese Secondary School Students' Epistemic Beliefs and Fallacy Identification. Asia-pacific Education Researcher, 26(1), 11-19.
Lee, W.W.S. (2014). Opening Up a Road to Somewhere: Associate Degree Students' Generic Capabilities Development in Hong Kong. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 33(5), 607-624.
Lee, W.W.S. & Chan, C.K.K. (2014). Examining and Identifying Epistemic Beliefs Among College Students in Hong Kong (DOI: 10.1007/s40299-014-0206-1). The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, Retrieved from http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40299-014-0206-1, Online Publication, 1-10.
Tafarodi, R., Shaughnessy, S., Leung, D.Y.P., Lee, W.W.S., Ozaki, Y., Morio, H. & Yamaguchi, S. (2009). Disregard for outsiders: A cultural comparison. Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 40, 567-583.
Leung, D.Y.P & Lee, W.W.S. (2006). Predicting Intention to Quit Among Chinese Teachers: Differential Predictability of the components of burnout. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 19, 129-141.
Tafarodi, R. W., Lo, C., Yamaguchi, S., Lee, W.W.S., & Katsura, H & Svensson, H. (2004). The Inner-self in Three Countries. Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 35, 97-117.
Scholarly Books, Monographs, and Chapters
Lee, W.W.S., Leung, D.Y.P. & Lo, K.C.H. (2013). Development of generic capabilities in teaching and learning environment at associate degree. Myint Swe Khine, Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Educational Research and Practice (169-184). Netherland: Sense Publisher.
Conference papers
Lee, W.W.S. & Chan, V.C.W. (2016, July). Relationship of epistemic belief, identification of informal fallacies and grade level in Hong Kong secondary school students. International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
LEE, W.W.S (2014, July). Using constructivist learning environment to cater for learning diversity and promote approaches to learning. Showcase presentation for Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA)2014 Conference- Higher Education in a Globalized World, Hong Kong.
Lee, W.W.S (2013, August). An Exploratory Study on the Relationship of Epistemological Beliefs and Perception of Program Learning Environment Among College Students in a Two-year curriculum. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Munich, Germany.
Lee, W.W.S., Lo, C.H.K. & Chan, C.W.V. (2012, August). Assessing students’ development of program outcomes in an associate degree engineering. IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering, Hong Kong.