Prof. Ming Ming Chiu
Learning Sciences Research Group Consultant
Chair Professor of Analytics and Diversity
Department of Special Education and Counseling
Education University of Hong Kong
Ming Ming CHIU is Chair Professor of Analytics and Diversity in the Special Education and Counseling department. A graduate of Columbia (BS, computer science), Harvard (EdM, interactive technology) and UC-Berkeley (PhD, education), he serves on the advisory board of mainland China’s Ministry of Education’s National Evaluation of Primary and Secondary Schools. He invented (a) statistical discourse analysis to model online and face-to-face conversations (one of the best 50 learning science ideas –International Society of the Learning Sciences), (b) multilevel diffusion analysis to detect corruption in the music industry and the spread of ideas/behaviors, and (c) an artificial intelligence expert system, Statistician. He showed how economic growth, inequalities and cultural values affect nearly 500,000 students’ learning in 65 countries. Supported by 26 grants (over $4.5 million), he disseminated his research through 174 publications (96 journal articles), 3 television broadcasts, 17 radio broadcasts, and 148 news articles in 21 countries. He is developing automatic analyses of online discussions and detection of online sexual predators.
Journal Publications:
Chiu, M. M., Chow, B. W. Y., & Joh, S. W. (in press). Streaming, tracking and reading achievement: A multilevel analysis of students in 40 countries. Journal of Educational Psychology.
Chiu, M. M., Joh, S. W., & Khoo, L. (in press). The effect of school closure threats on student performance: Evidence from a natural experiment. BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy.
Chiu, M. M., & Roberts, C. A. (in press). Improved analyses of single cases: Dynamic multilevel analysis. Developmental Neurorehabilitation.
Molenaar, I., & Chiu, M. M. (in press). Effects of sequences of cognitive actions on group performance over time. Small Group Research.
Reynolds, R., & Chiu, M. M. (in press). Reducing digital divide effects through student engagement in coordinated game design, online resource uses, and social computing activities in school. Journal of the American Society for Information and Technology.
Leko, M., Chiu, M. M., & Roberts, C. (in press). Individual and contextual factors related to secondary special education teachers’ reading instructional practices. Journal of Special Education.
Lehmann-Willenbrock, N., Chiu, M. M., Lei, Z., & Kauffeld, S. (in press). Understanding positivity within dynamic team interactions: A statistical discourse analysis. Group & Organization Management. DOI: 10.1177/1059601116628720
Christ, T., & Chiu, M. M. (in press). Hearing words, learning words:
How different presentations of a novel vocabulary word affect children’s incidental learning. Journal of Research in Reading.
Allen, J. A., Fisher, C., Chetouani, M., Chiu, M. M., Gunes, H., Hung, H., & Mehu, M. (in press). Workflows: Comparing social and computer science processes for studying group interactions. Small Group Research.
Chase, A. M., Clancy, H.A., Lachance, R. P., Mathison, B., Chiu, M. M., & Weaver, G. C. (in press). Improving critical thinking via authenticity: Research experience in a US Military Academy, CASPiE, chemistry course. Chemistry Education Research and Practice.
Hao, L., Cui, Y., & Chiu, M. M. (in press). Affective teacher—student relationships and students’ externalizing behavior problems: A meta-analysis. Frontiers in Psychology: Educational Psychology. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01311
Christ, T., Wang, X. C., & Chiu, M. M. (in press). Exploring factors related to young children’s word-meaning derivations during read-alouds. Reading Psychology.
Chiu, M. M. (2017). Self-beliefs, metacognition and mathematics achievement: A comparison of US and East-Asian students. International Journal of Psychology Research, 11, 1, 57-83.
Christ, T., Arya, P., & Chiu, M. M. (2017). Relations among resources in professional learning communities and learning outcomes. Teaching Education, 28, 94-114.
Christ, T., Arya, P., & Chiu, M. M. (2017). Video use in teacher education: An international survey of practices. Teaching and Teacher Education, 63, 22-35.
Chiu, M. M., & Lehmann-Willenbrock, N. (2016). Statistical discourse analysis: Modeling sequences of individual behaviors during group interactions across time
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 20, 3, 242-258. doi:10.1037/gdn0000048
Chiu, M. M., Chow, B. W. Y., McBride, C., & Mol, S. T. (2016). Students’ sense of belonging at school in 41 countries: Cross-cultural variability. Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 47, 175-196.
Arya, P., Christ, T., & Chiu, M. M. (2016). Video use in teacher education: a survey of teacher-educators’ practices across disciplines. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 28(2), 261-300.
Chiu, M. M. (2015). Family inequality, school inequalities and mathematics achievement in 65 countries: Microeconomic mechanisms of rent seeking and diminishing marginal returns. Teacher’s College Record, 117, 1, 1-32.
Chiu, M. M., & Chow, B. W. Y. (2015). Classmate characteristics and student achievement in 33 countries: Classmates’ past achievement, family SES, educational resources and attitudes toward reading. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107, 1, 152-169.
Hayden, H. E., & Chiu, M. M. (2015). Reflective teaching via a problem exploration-teaching adaptations-resolution cycle: A mixed methods study of pre-service teachers’ reflective notes. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 9, 2, 133-153. doi:10.1177/1558689813509027
Bruce, D. L., & Chiu, M. M. (2015). Composing with new technology: Teachers reflecting on learning digital video Journal of Teacher Education, 66, 3, 272-287.
Cho, J. R., & Chiu, M. M. (2015). Rapid naming in relation to reading and writing in Korean (Hangul), Chinese (Hanja), and English among Korean children: A one-year longitudinal study. Journal of Research in Reading, 38, 4, 387-404.
Christ, T., Wang, X. C., & Chiu, M. M. (2015). Emergent readers’ social interaction styles and their comprehension processes during buddy reading. Literacy Research and Instruction, 54, 1, 45-66.
Arya, P., Christ, T., & Chiu, M. M. (2015). Links between characteristics of collaborative peer video analysis events and literacy teachers’ outcomes. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 23(2), 159-183.
Chiu, M. M., & Fujita, N. (2014). Statistical discourse analysis: A method for modelling online discussion processes. Journal of Learning Analytics, 1 (3), 61–83.
Chiu, M. M., Joh, S. W., & Khoo, L. (2014). Effects of competition and exit threats on managerial incentives in the financial industry. Review of Financial Information Studies, 3, 71-89.
* Molenaar, I., & Chiu, M. M. (2014). Dissecting sequences of regulation and cognition: Statistical discourse analysis of primary school children's collaborative learning. Metacognition and Learning, 9, 137-160.
Wise, A. F., & Chiu, M. M. (2014). The impact of rotating summarizing roles in online discussions: Effects on learners’ listening behaviors during and subsequent to role assignment. Computers in Human Behavior, 38, 261-271.
Waight, N., Chiu, M. M., & * Whitford, M. M. (2014). Factors that influence science teachers’ selection and usage of technologies in high school science classrooms. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 23, 5, 668-681.
Christ, T., Chiu, M. M., & Wang, X. C. (2014). Preschoolers’ engagement with reading behaviours: A statistical discourse analysis of peer buddy-reading interactions. Journal of Research in Reading, 37, 4, 375-408.
Eryilmaz, E., Chiu, M. M., Thoms, B., Mary, J., & R. Kim. (2014). Design and evaluation of instructor-based and peer-oriented attention guidance functionalities in an open source anchored discussion system, Computers & Education, 71, 303-321. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2013.08.009.
Christ, T., Arya, P., & Chiu, M. M. (2014). Teachers’ reports of learning and application to pedagogy based on engagement in collaborative peer video analysis. Teaching Education, 25, 4, 349-374.
Arya, P., Christ, T., & Chiu, M. M. (2014). Facilitation and teacher behaviors: An analysis of literacy teachers’ video-case discussions. Journal of Teacher Education, 65 (2), 111-127.
Christ, T., Chiu, M. M., * Currie, A., & Cipielewski, J. (2014). The relation between test formats and kindergarteners’ expressions of vocabulary knowledge. Reading Psychology, 35, 6, 499-528.
Reynolds, R., & Chiu, M. M. (2013). Formal vs. informal context factors as contributors to student engagement in a guided discovery-based program of game design learning. Learning, Media and Technology, 38, 4, 429-462.
Hayden, H. E., & Chiu, M. M. (2013). Lessons learned: Supporting the development of reflective practice and adaptive expertise. Literacy Research Association Yearbook, 62, 278-296.
Wang, X. C., Christ, T., & Chiu, M. (2013). Exploring a comprehensive model for early childhood vocabulary instruction: A design experiment. Early Childhood Development and Care, 187(7), 1075-1106. DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2013.843531
Moore-Russo, D., * Viglietti, J. M., Chiu, M. M., & * Bateman, S.M. (2013). Teachers’ spatial literacy as visualizing, reasoning, and communication. Teaching and Teacher Education, 29, 97-109.
Chiu, M. M., McBride-Chang, C. & * Lin, D. (2012). Ecological, psychological, and cognitive components of reading difficulties: Testing the component model of reading in fourth graders across 38 countries. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 45, 5, 391-405. doi: 10.1177/0022219411431241
Chiu, M. M., Pong, S. L., * Mori, I., & Chow, B. W. Y. (2012). Immigrant students’ cognitive and emotional engagement at school: A multilevel analysis of students in 41 countries. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 41, 1409-1425.
* Chen, G., Chiu, M. M., & *Wang, Z. (2012). Social metacognition and the creation of correct, new ideas: A statistical discourse analysis of online mathematics discussions. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(3), 868-880.
* Chen, G., Chiu, M. M., & *Wang, Z. (2012). Predicting social cues during online discussions: Effects of evaluations and knowledge content. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(4), 1497-1509.
Christ, T., Arya, P., & Chiu, M. M. (2012). Collaborative peer video analysis: Insights about literacy assessment & instruction. Journal of Literacy Research, 44, 171-199.
Mol, J., Chiu, M. M., & Wijnberg, N. (2012). Love me tender: New entry in popular music. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 25, 88-120.
Chiu, M. M., & * Chow, B. W.-Y. (2011). Classroom discipline across 41 countries: School, economic, and cultural differences. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42, 3, 516-533.
* Chow, B. W.-Y., Chiu, M. M., & * Wong, S. (2011). Emotional intelligence, social problem solving skills, and psychological distress. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41, 8, 1958-1980.
* Molenaar, I., Chiu, M. M., van Boxtel, C. & Sleegers, P. J.C. (2011). Scaffolding of small groups’ metacognitive activities with an avatar. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 6, 601-624. DOI: 10.1007/s11412-011-9130-z
Wise, A., & Chiu, M. M. (2011). Analyzing temporal patterns of knowledge construction in a role-based online discussion. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 6, 445-470.
Klassen, R. M., & Chiu, M. M. (2011). The occupational commitment and intention to quit of practicing and pre-service teachers: Influence of self-efficacy, job stress, and teaching context. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 36, 2, 114-129.
Lu, J., Chiu, M. M., & Law, N. (2011). Collaborative argumentation and justifications: A statistical discourse analysis of online discussions, Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 946-955.
Cho, J.R., Chiu, M. M., & McBride-Chang, C. (2011). Morphological awareness, phonological awareness and literacy development in Korean and English: A 2-year longitudinal study. Scientific Studies of Reading, 15, 5, 383-408.
Christ, T., Wang, X. C. & Chiu, M. M. (2011). Using story dictation to support young children’s vocabulary development: Outcomes and processes. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 26, 30-41.
Chiu, M. M. (2010). Inequality, family, school, and mathematics achievement. Social Forces, 88, 4, 1645-1676.
Chiu, M. M., & * Chow, B. W.-Y. (2010). Culture, motivation, and reading achievement: High school students in 41 countries. Learning and Individual Differences, 20, 579-92.
Chiu, M. M., & McBride-Chang, C. (2010). Family and reading in 41 countries: Differences across cultures and students. Scientific Studies of Reading, 14, 514-543.
Chiu, M. M., & Klassen, R. M. (2010). Relations of mathematics self-concept and its calibration with mathematics achievement. Learning and Instruction, 20, 2-17.
Klassen, R. M., & Chiu, M. M. (2010). Effects on teachers’ self-efficacy and job satisfaction: Teacher gender, years of experience, and job stress. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102,741-756.
Chiu, M. M. (2009). Inequalities’ harmful effects on both disadvantaged and privileged students: Sources, mechanisms, and strategies. Journal of Education Research, 3, 109-128.
Chiu, M. M., & * Kuo, S. W. (2009). From metacognition to social metacognition: Similarities, differences, and learning. Journal of Education Research, 3, 4, 1-19.
Chiu, M. M., & Klassen, R. M. (2009). Calibration of reading self-concept and reading achievement among 15-year-olds: Cultural differences in 34 countries. Learning and Individual Differences, 19, 372-386.
Chiu, M. M. (2008). Flowing toward correct contributions during groups' mathematics problem solving: A statistical discourse analysis. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 17 (3), 415-463.
Chiu, M. M. (2008). Effects of argumentation on group micro-creativity: Statistical discourse analyses of algebra students’ collaborative problem solving. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 33, 383 – 402.
Chiu, M. M. (2008). Country changes and student learning: China's economy, families and cultural values. Journal of Education Research, 2, 133-148.
Chiu, M. M. (2008). Changes in China's economy, families and cultural values: Effects on student learning. Current Politics and Economics of Asia, 17, 333-354.
Chiu, M. M., & * Zeng, X. (2008). Family and motivation effects on mathematics achievement. Learning and Instruction, 18, 321-336.
* Chen, G., & Chiu, M. M. (2008). Online discussion processes: Effects of earlier messages’ evaluations, knowledge content, social cues and personal information on later messages. Computers and Education, 50, 678 – 692.
Rossman, G., Chiu, M. M., & Mol, J. (2008). Modeling diffusion of multiple innovations via multilevel diffusion curves: Payola in pop music radio. Sociological Methodology, 38, 1, 201-230.
Chiu, M. M. (2007). Families, economies, cultures and science achievement in 41 countries. Journal of Family Psychology, 21, 510-519.
Chiu, M. M., * Chow, B. W.-Y., & McBride-Chang, C. (2007). Universals and specifics in learning strategies: Explaining adolescent mathematics, science, and reading achievement across 34 countries. Learning and Individual Differences, 17, 344-365.
Chiu, M. M., & Walker, A. D. (2007). Leadership for social justice in Hong Kong schools. Journal of Educational Administration, 45, 724-739.
Chiu, M. M. & McBride-Chang, C. (2006). Gender, context, and reading: A comparison of students in 43 countries. Scientific Studies of Reading, 10(4), 331-362.
Chiu, M. M., & Ho, S. C. (2006). Family effects on student achievement in Hong Kong. Asian Pacific Journal of Education, 26, 21–35.
Chiu, M. M., Coniam, D., & Tang, E. (2006). A statistical approach to second language grammar knowledge: A longitudinal study of Hong Kong students. Educational Research Journal, 21, 2, 195-215.
Chiu, M. M., & Khoo, L. (2005). Effects of resources, inequality, and privilege bias on achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 42, 575-603.
Chiu, M. M., & Khoo, L. (2005). A new method for analyzing sequential processes: Dynamic multi-level analysis. Small Group Research, 36, 600-631.
Chiu, M. M. (2005). Group problem solving and the creation of correct new ideas. Educational Research Journal, 20, 1, 73-99.
Chiu, M. M., Wong, N.Y., Lam, C.C., Wong, K.M.P., Leung, F.K.S., and Mok, I.A.C. (2005). Architectures of mathematics beliefs: Individual and school-level differences among Hong Kong primary 6 students. Educational Research Journal, 20, 1, 27-55.
Wong, N.Y., Chiu M. M., Wong, K. M., & Lam, C. C. (2005). The lived space of mathematics learning. Research in Mathematics Education, 9, 1, 25-45.
Chiu, M. M. (2004). Adapting teacher interventions to student needs during cooperative learning. American Educational Research Journal, 41, 365-399.
* Kuo, S. W., * Lam, S. M., & Chiu, M. M. (2004). Improving student creativity during Chinese composition. New Horizons in Education, 50, 1-14.
* Kuo, S. W., * Lam, S. M., & Chiu, M. M. (2004). Imagery training. Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Journal, 3, 128 – 140.
Yip, D. Y., Chiu, M. M., Ho, S. C. (2004). Hong Kong student achievement in the OECD-PISA study. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2(1), 91-106.
Chiu, M. M., & Khoo, L. (2003). Rudeness and status effects during group problem solving: Do they bias evaluations and reduce the likelihood of correct solutions? Journal of Educational Psychology, 95, 506-523.
Chiu, M. M. (2002). Novice and expert metaphors: Solving and understanding negative number problems. Educational Research Journal, 17, 19-41.
Chiu, M. M., & Khoo, L. (2002). Effects of polite disagreements during group problem solving. Educational Research Journal, 17, 79-116.
Chiu, M. M. (2001). Using metaphors to understand and solve arithmetic problems. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 3, 2, 93-124.
Chiu, M. M., Kessel, C., Moschkovich, J. & * Munoz, A. (2001). Learning to graph linear functions: A case study of conceptual change. Cognition and Instruction, 19, 2, 215-252.
Chiu, M. M. (2000). Status effects on solutions, leadership, and evaluations during group problem solving. Sociology of Education, 73, 3, 175-195.
Chiu, M. M. (2000). Group problem solving processes: Social interactions and individual actions. Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, 30, 1, 27-50.
Chiu, M. M. (2000). Metaphorical reasoning: Origins, uses, development and interactions in mathematics. Education Journal, 28(1), 13-46.
Chiu, M. M. (2000). Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions: Combining intuitive understanding with efficient computation by cutting food. EduMath, 10, 20-34.
Chiu, M. M., & * Wu, W. Y. (2000). Help! Two case studies of two primary school students helping each other in class. Journal of Basic Education, 10, 53-76.
Gutierrez, K. D., Baquedano-Lopez, P., * Alvarez, H. H., & Chiu, M. M. (1999). Building a culture of collaboration through hybrid language practices. Theory into Practice, 38, 2, 87-93.
Chiu, M. M. (1999). Teacher effects on student motivation during cooperative learning. Educational Research Journal, 14, 229-252.
Chiu, M. M. (1996). Exploring the origins, uses and interactions of student intuitions: Comparing the lengths of paths. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 27, 4, 478-504. ​
Book Chapters:
Chiu, M. M. (in press). Learning strategies. In R. J. R. Levesque’s (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Adolescence (2nd ed.). New York: Springer.
Chiu, M. M. (in press). Self-concept, self-efficacy and mathematics achievement: Students in 65 regions including the US and Asia. In J. Son, J. J. Lo, & T. Watanabe’s (Eds.) What Matters? Research trends in international comparative studies in mathematics education in six countries (pp. 267-288). New York: Springer.
Chiu, M. M. (in press). Chinese families. In Jenifer Kunz’s (Ed.) Family and Parent Leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chiu, M. M. (in press). Asian-American families. In Jenifer Kunz’s (Ed.) Family and Parent Leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chiu, M. M. (in press). Statistical discourse analysis: An alternative to sequential analysis for modeling actions by individuals within groups. In N. Columbus’s (Ed.) Sequential Analysis: Advances in Research and Applications. Hauppauge, NY. Nova Science.
Chiu, M. M. (in press). Family and school inequality reduce education resources and overall student learning. In N. Columbus’s (Ed.) Advances in Sociology Research. Hauppauge, NY. Nova Science.
Chiu, M. M. (2017). Statistical discourse analysis. In K. Peppler (Ed.) SAGE Encyclopedia of Out-of-School Learning (pp. 745-747). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chiu, M. M., & Joh, S. W. (2016). Country, family, and school factors affecting student achievement: Evidence from international tests. In G. Hughes’s (Ed.) Student achievement: Perspectives, assessment and improvement strategies (pp. 67-89). Hauppauge, NY. Nova Science.
Chen, G., & Chiu, M. M. (accepted). Discussion processes in online forums. In M. Khosrow-Pour’s (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (4th ed.). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Chiu, M. M. (2017). Self-beliefs, metacognition and mathematics achievement: A comparison of US and East-Asian students. In Margaret Williams’s (Ed.) Self-Concept: Perceptions, Cultural Influences and Gender Differences (pp. 35-56). Hauppauge, NY. Nova Science.
Chiu, M. M. (2016). Social metacognition and knowledge creation in groups. In E. Matos’s (Ed.) Knowledge Creation and Transfer: New Research (pp. 1-24). Hauppauge, NY. Nova Science.
Chiu, M. M. (2016). Chinese teaching and learning of mathematics. In C. P. Chou & J. Spangler’s (Eds). Chinese education models in a global age (pp. 293-304). Singapore: Springer.
Chiu, M. M. (2016). Achievement tests. In J. Steinberg (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Economics and Society (pp. 32-34). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chiu, M. M. (2016). Socioeconomic status, inequality and academic achievement. In G. Perkins’s (Ed.) Socioeconomic Status: Influences, Disparities and Current Issues (pp. 1-26). Hauppauge, NY. Nova Science.
Chiu, M. M. (2016). Early childhood investments. In J. Steinberg (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Economics and Society (pp. 596-597). 4th edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chiu, M. M. (2015). Statistical discourse analysis. In L. Resnick, C. Asterhan & S. Clarke’s (Eds.) Socializing Intelligence through Academic Talk and Dialogue (pp. 301-314). Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association [AERA].
Chiu, M. M., & Joh, S. W. (2015). Cross-national comparisons in education-PISA. In James D. Wright (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2nd Edition, Vol. 5 (pp. 342-348). Oxford: Elsevier. PROSE award for Excellence in Reference Works and for Multivolume Reference - Humanities & Social Sciences.
Chiu, M. M., & Chow, B. W.-Y. (2015). International comparisons of student achievement. In S. Rosa’s (Ed.) Progress in Education, vol. 32 (pp. 93-108). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science.
Arya, P., Christ, T., & Chiu, M. M. (2015). TAP (Teacher learning, Application to Pedagogy) through video mediated discussions. In M. L. Niess & H. Gillow-Wiles’s (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Teacher Education in the Digital Age (pp. 334-356). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Christ, T., Arya, P., & Chiu, M. M. (2015). A three-pronged approach to video reflection: Preparing literacy teachers of the future. In E. Ortlieb, L. Shanahan, & M. McVee (Eds.), Video Reflection in Literacy Teacher Education and Development: Lessons from Research and Practice (pp. 235-253). Bingley, UK: Emerald.
Chiu, M. M. (2014). Family and school influences on students’ math achievement: United States vs. China. In W. Ma’s (Ed.) East Meets West in Teacher Preparation: Crossing Chinese and American borders (pp. 143-158). New York: Teachers College Press.
Chiu, M. M., & Fujita, N. (2014). Statistical discourse analysis of online discussions: Informal cognition, social metacognition and knowledge creation. In S.-C. Tan, H.-J. So & J. Yeo’s (Eds.) Knowledge creation in education (pp. 97-112). New York: Springer.
Chen, G., & Chiu, M. M. (2014). Learning processes during online discussions. In M. Khosrow-Pour’s (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (3rd ed.) (pp. 2544-2554). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Chiu, M. M., & Chen, G. (2014). Collectivism. In L. Ganong, M. Coleman, & G. J. Golson’s (Eds.) The Social History of the American Family (pp. 254-256). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chiu, M. M., & Chen, G. (2014). Individualism. In L. Ganong, M. Coleman, & G. J. Golson’s (Eds.) The Social History of the American Family (pp. 721-724). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chiu, M. M., & Pawlikowski, M. (2014). Head Start. In L. Ganong, M. Coleman, & G. J. Golson’s (Eds.) The Social History of the American Family (pp. 660-662). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chiu, M. M. (2013). Statistical discourse analysis of an online discussion: Cognition and social metacognition. In Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Collaborative Learning (pp. 417-434). New York: Springer.
Chiu, M. M. (2013). Classroom interactions between students. In J. Ainsworth & G. J. Golson’s (Eds.) Sociology of Education (pp. 125-127). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chiu, M. M. (2013). Social metacognition, micro-creativity and justifications: Statistical discourse analysis of a mathematics classroom conversation. In Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Collaborative Learning (pp. 141-160). New York: Springer.
Chiu, M. M. (2013). Class inequality –Achievement. In J. Ainsworth & G. J. Golson’s (Eds.) Sociology of Education (pp. 116-118). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chiu, M. M., & Chen, G. (2013). Statistical discourse analysis: Testing hypotheses with large datasets of electronic discourse. In H. L. Lim and F. Sudweeks’s (Eds.) Innovative Methods and Technologies for Electronic Discourse Analysis (pp. 285-303). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Chiu, M. M., & * Pawlikowski, M. J. (2013). Social metacognition and micro-creativity. In E. G. Carayannis’s (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (pp. 1687-1692). New York: Springer.
Chiu, M. M., * Molenaar, I. Chen, G., Wise, A. F. & Fujita, N. (2013). Micro-analysis of collaborative processes that facilitate productive online discussions: Statistical discourse analyses of three cases. In M. Clara & E. B. Gregori (Eds.) Assessment and evaluation of time factors in online teaching and learning (pp. 232-263). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Chiu, M. M., & Chow, B. W.-Y. (2013). International comparisons of student achievement. In M. Gowda and A. Khanderia’s (Ed.) Educational Achievement: Teaching Strategies, Psychological Factors and Economic Impact (pp.115-132). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science.
Chiu, M. M. (2013). Parental Involvement. In J. Ainsworth & G. J. Golson’s (Eds.) Sociology of Education (pp. 570-572). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chiu, M. M., * Jones, K. A., & * Jones, J. L. (2013). Building on Schoenfeld's studies of metacognitive control towards social metacognitive control. In Y. Li & J. Moschkovich’s (Eds.) Mathematical proficiency and beliefs in learning and teaching– learning from Alan Schoenfeld and Günter Toerner (pp. 69-88). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense.
Chiu, M. M. (2013). Family structure and education. In J. Ainsworth & G. J. Golson’s (Eds.) Sociology of Education (pp. 271-275). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chiu, M. M. (2013). Grandparents’ role in education. In J. Ainsworth & G. J. Golson’s (Eds.) Sociology of Education (pp. 333-334). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chiu, M. M. (2013). Adolescence. In J. Ainsworth & G. J. Golson’s (Eds.) Sociology of Education (pp. 9-10). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chiu, M. M. (2013). China. In J. Ainsworth & G. J. Golson’s (Eds.) Sociology of Education (pp. 114-116). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Wise, A. F., Zhao, Y., Hausknecht, S., & Chiu, M. M. (2013). Temporal considerations in analyzing and designing for online discussions in education: Examining duration, sequence, pace and salience. In M. Clara & E. B. Gregori (Eds.) Assessment and evaluation of time factors in online teaching and learning (pp. 198-231). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Chiu, M. M. (2013). Hong Kong. In J. Ainsworth & G. J. Golson’s (Eds.) Sociology of Education (pp. 365-366). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chiu, M. M. (2012). Learning strategies. In R. J. R. Levesque’s (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Adolescence, 12, 1565-1573. New York: Springer.
Chiu, M. M. (2011). Changes in China’s Economy, Families and Cultural Values. In F. Chin’s (Ed.) Asian Economic and Political Developments (pp. 291-307). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Ni, Y., Chiu, M. M., & Cheng, Z. J. (2010). Chinese children learning mathematics: From home to school. In M. Bond's (Ed.) Oxford Handbook of Chinese Psychology (pp. 143-154). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chiu, M. M., & * Kuo, S. W. (2009). Social metacognition in groups: Benefits, difficulties, learning, and teaching. In C. B. Larson’s (Ed.) Metacognition: New Research Developments (117-136). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Chiu, M. M. (2008). China's changing economy, families, cultural values, and student learning: Benefits, challenges, and strategies. In F. Columbus’s (Ed.) Education in China: 21st Century Issues and Challenges (pp. 141-156). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Chiu, M. M. (2008). Inequality mechanisms that hurt both privileged and disadvantaged students' learning. In I. H. Wadell’s (Ed.) Income Distribution: Inequalities, Impacts and Incentives (pp. 79-98). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Chiu, M. M., & Khoo, L. (2008). Effects of resources, inequality, and privilege bias on achievement: Country, school and student level analyses. In P. P. Hick and G. Thomas’s (Eds.) Inclusion and Diversity in Education, vol 2. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [Reprinted from American Educational Research Journal, 42, 575-603]
Chiu, M. M. (2001). Analyzing group work processes: Towards a conceptual framework and systematic statistical analyses. In F. Columbus (Ed.), Advances in psychology research, vol. 4 (193-222). Huntington, NY: Nova Science Publishers. [Reprinted in F. Columbus, (Ed). (2002). Advances in psychology research, Vol. 6. (pp. 1-29). Huntington, NY: Nova Science Publishers]
Non-refereed Publications:
Ho, S-C., Chun, K-W., Yip, D-Y., Wong, K-M., Sze, M-M., Lo, N-K., Chung, Y-P., Tsang, W-K., Chiu, M. M., Lam, C. C. (2007). The third HKPISA report: Monitoring the quality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective. Hong Kong: Hong Kong PISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Ho, S-C., Chun, K-W., Yip, D-Y., Wong, K-M., Sze, M-M., Lo, N-K., Chung, Y-P., Tsang, W-K., Chiu, M. M., Law, H. Y., Lam, C. C. (2005). The second HKPISA report: Monitoring the quality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective. Hong Kong: Hong Kong PISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Ho, S-C., Chun, K-W., Yip, D-Y., Wong, K-M., Chiu, M. M., Sze, M-M., Lo, N-K., Chung, Y-P., Tsang, W-K., Man Y- F., and Ho, W-K. (2003). The first HKPISA report: Monitoring the quality of education in Hong Kong from an international perspective. Hong Kong: Hong Kong PISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Non-refereed electronic publications:
Chiu, M. M. (1999). Status effects in group problem solving: group and individual level analyses. (ERIC Documentation Reproduction Service No. ED 426 079).
Chiu, M. M. (1999). Teachers' effects on student motivation during group work: Activity and intervention level analyses. (ERIC Documentation Reproduction Service No. ED 428 043).
Chiu, M. M. (1997). Building on diversity: A moment-to-moment analysis of students collaboratively solving mathematics problems. Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles. (ERIC Documentation Reproduction Service No. ED 410 325). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New York, NY.
Chiu, M. M. (1997). Cooperative Learning. Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles. (ERIC Documentation Reproduction Service No. ED 410 213). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New York, NY.
Chiu, M. M. (1997). Building mathematical understanding during collaboration: Students learning functions and graphs in an urban, public high school. (University Microfilms No. AAI97-22908). Dissertation Abstracts International, 58-02a, 383.
Chiu, M. M. (1994). Metaphorical reasoning in mathematics. Berkeley: University of California, Berkeley. (ERIC Documentation Reproduction Service No. ED 374 988). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA.