Dr. Joy Lan Yang
Learning Sciences Research Group Member
Assistant Professor
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
Education University of Hong Kong
EduHK RICH Profile: click here
Dr. YANG Lan is Assistant Professor of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Prior to this, she worked as post-doctoral fellow at the Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education at HKIEd. She obtained her PhD from The University of Hong Kong in 2012. She was the recipient of the Global SELF (Self-concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation) Research Network Highly Commended PhD Award (2013) based on her PhD research on a longitudinal intervention to enhance academic self-concept and academic achievement among mainland low-achieving secondary students. Her research interests include self-concept, achievement emotions, student motivation, and positive youth development.
Journal Publications
Yang, L., Chiu, H. M., Sin, K. F. & Lui, M. (Accepted). Validation of the Self-Report Family Inventory (SFI) in Chinese Students with Special Education Needs. Hong Kong Journal of Special Education.
Lui, M., Yang, L., & Sin, K. F. (2017). Parents’ perspective of the impact of school practices on the functioning of students with special educational needs. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, xx, xx-xx.
Spector, J. M., Ifenthaler, D., Samspon, D., Yang, L., Mukama, E. Warusavitarana, A. Dona, K. L., Eichhorn, K. , Fluck, A., Huang, R., Bridges, S., Lu, J. Y., Ren, Y., Gui, X., Deneen, C., Diego, S., & David, C. (2016). Technology Enhanced Formative Assessment for 21st Century Learning. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 19 (3), 58-71.
Yang, L., Sin, K. F., Cheng, S. Y., & Gao, F. Z. (2015). Developing a short form of Career Development Self-Efficacy Inventory (SF-CD-SEI) for students with special educational needs. Hong Kong Journal of Special Education, 17, 28-39.
Yang, L., Sin, K. F. & Lui, M. (2015). Social, emotional, and academic functioning of children with SEN integrated in Hong Kong primary schools. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 24(4), 545-555.
Lui, M., Sin, K. F., Yang, L., Forlin, C., & Ho, F. C. (2015). Knowledge and perceived social norm predict parents’ attitudes towards inclusive education. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19(10), 1052-1067.
Yang, L., Arens, A. K., & Watkins, D. A. (2014). Testing the twofold multidimensionality of academic self-concept: a study with Chinese vocational students. Educational Psychology, Online, 1-19.
Yang, L., Watkins, D., Mok, M. C., & Sin, K. F. (2014). What matters to the achievement of academically disadvantaged students? An investigation of academic self-concept, perceived control and approaches of learning as predictors. Hong Kong Journal of Special Education, 16, 24-47.
冼權鋒、楊蘭、呂明、程三銀、欒昕暢、高鳳展(2014):「香港特殊學習需學生高中後轉銜現狀研究: 來自特殊學習需要學生家長的聲音」,《香港特殊教育期刊》,16,82-95。
Yang, L., Sin, K. F., Li, X. Y., Guo, J. S. & Lui, M. (2014). Understanding the power of feedback in education: A validation study of the Feedback Orientation Scale (FOS) in Classrooms. The International Journal of Psychological and Educational Assessment, 16 (2), 21-46.
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Sin, K.F. & Yang, L.(2018). Post-school Transition of Students with Special Educational Needs in Hong Kong. In Pavlova, M., Lee J. K., & Maclean, R. (eds.), Transitions to Post-School Life (183-195). Singapore: Springer.
Yang, L., Qiao, S., & Yeung, S. S. (Accepted). The effectiveness of Team-Based Learning in General Education: A qualitative inquiry of Chinese university students’ social, emotional and academic outcomes. Chapter in Akande et al. (eds.) Nova Handbook on International Psychology and Allied Disciplines.
Yang, L.& Yang, M. (Accepted). Exploring the power of teacher feedback in Chinese students: Testing the relationships between students’ feedback beliefs and student engagement. Chapter in GAD Liem & Tan, S. H. (Eds). Student Motivation, Engagement, and Growth: Asian Insights. United Kingdom: Routledge.
Yang, L. (2017). The internal/ external frame of reference model of academic self-concept formation: Extension to a foreign language and Chinese vocational students. In Kennedy, K. J. & Lee, J.C.K. (Eds.),Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia (xx-xx). United Kingdom: Routledge.
Yang, L. (2017). Academic Self-Concept and Academic Achievement: Taking account of the twofold multidimensional structure of academic self-concept and cultural influences on learning beliefs. In Margaret, W. (Eds.), Self-concept perceptions, cultural influences and gender differences (27-41). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Yang, L., Arens, K., Xu, M., & Sin, K.F. (2016). Testing the Internal/External Frame of Reference for Academic Self-Concept in Chinese Vocational Students. In R. B. King & A. B. I. Bernardo (Eds.), The Psychology of Asian Learners: A Festschrift in Honor of David Watkins (101-123). Singapore: Springer.
Yang, L., & Watkins, D. A. (2013). The effectiveness of two treatments to enhance academic self-concept among low-achieving secondary school students in China. In Y. Kashima, E. S. Kashima & R. Beatson (Eds.), Steering the Cultural Dynamics (160-166). IACCP: International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Conference Papers
Yang, L. (2017, June). Achievement emotions and academic achievement of vocational students: How do they feel in learning and class-related situations?. The 4th International Conference on Positive Psychology and Well-being (CPPWb2017), Hangzhou, China.
Yang, L., Qiao, S. & Yeung, S.S. (2017, June). Testing the Effectiveness of Team-Based Learning (TBL) in Promoting Student’s Academic Functioning in a General Education Course: A Pilot Study in Hong Kong. International Conference on Modern Education and Information Technology (MEIT2017), Chongqiong, China.
Sin, K. F., Yang, L., & Gao, F. Z. (2016, December). Social support, mental health and self-determination of students with special educational needs:A comparative study. Asia Mental Health Conference, Hong Kong.
Yang, L., Sin, K. F. & Gao, F.Z. (2016, December). What do we know about self-understanding, career exploration and career management of students with special educational needs?. Learning & Teaching Expo, Hong Kong, China.
Yang, L. (2016, August). Achievement Emotions of Chinese Students: An Investigation in Technical and Vocational Education. The 23rd International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nagoya, Japan, Nagoya, Japan.
Sin, K. F., Yang, L., Cheng, S. Y. (2016, April). Career development self-efficacy of students with special educational needs: An investigation in Hong Kong. The 2016 Annual Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong, 15-16 April, Hong Kong.
Sin, K. F., Yang, L., Lo, S. K., Li, P. Y., & Lui, M. (2015, August). Influence of family functioning on Hong Kong Chinese students' mental health: A comparative study between students with and without special educational needs. The 18th ARAHE Biennial International Congress, August 3-7, Hong Kong.
Sin, K. F. & Yang, L. (2015, July). Calling for effective career planning training for students with special educational needs in Hong Kong: Preliminary findings of their perceived post-school outcomes. The CUSCS Golden Jubilee Conference: Lifelong Education and Career Development, 7 July, Hong Kong.
Sin, K. F., Yang, L., Cheng, S. Y. & Lui, M. (2015, July). Parents’ attitude toward inclusive education: An integrated perspective of family functioning and SEN students’ self-determination. The Fifteenth International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations, July 15-17, Hong Kong.
Sin, K. F., Yang, L., Li, P. Y., & Lo S. K. (2015, July). To continue or not to continue education in universities: Post-school outcomes of students with special educational needs in Hong Kong. the International Conference on Special Education 2015 (ICSE2015), July 28-31, Bangkok, Thailand.
Sin, K. F., Yang, L., Li, P. Y., & Lo, S. K. (2015, July). What do we know about post-school transition outcomes of secondary students with disabilities in Hong Kong? A qualitative investigation. The Fifteenth International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations, July 15-17, Hong Kong.
Sin, K. F., & Yang, L. (2015, June). Developing a Chinese version of Learning-related Achievement Emotions Questionnaire (LAEQ). Redesigning Pedagogy Conference, June 2-4, Singapore.
Sin, K. F., Yang, L., & Cheng, S. Y. (2015, June). Disabled children’s development of social, emotional competences, and academic performance in regular classrooms: A comparative study between children and parents in Hong Kong. Quality Childhood Conference International (QCCI), June 18-19, Hong Kong.
Sin, K. F., Yang, L., Lui, M., & Kan, M. Y. (2015, June). Early childhood teachers’ confidence in identifying and supporting children with special educational needs: A large scale survey in Hong Kong. Quality Childhood Conference International (QCCI), 2015, Hong Kong.
Sin, K. F., Yang, L., Lo, S. K., & Li, P. Y. (2015, January). Post-school transition of students with disabilities in Hong Kong: A qualitative investigation. The KCPMHD International Conference, South Korea.
Sin, K. F., & Yang, L. (2014, December). A qualitative study of post-school outcomes of senior secondary graduates with special educational needs in Hong Kong. The Learning & Teaching Expo, 11-13 December, Hong Kong.
Sin, K. F., & Yang, L. (2014, November). Innovative research and practice to support students with special educational needs. The Asia Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference (APERA), November 19-21, Hong Kong.
Sin, K. F., Yang, L., & Lui, M. (2014, October). Teacher preparation for identifying and intervening children at risk of developmental disorders. The 17th United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) & Asia-Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation for Development (APEID) International Conference, 29-31 October, Bangkok,Thailand.
Yang, L., & Sin, K. F. (2014, July). A cross-cultural validation of the Feedback Orientation Scale (FOS) in a vocational education setting in mainland China. The 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), 8-13 July, Paris, France.
Sin, K. F. & Yang, L. (2013, September). Understanding SEN students integrated in regular primary schools in Hong Kong. The 7th SELF Biennial International Conference’ and the ‘ERAS Conference’, jointly organized by The Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS), the National Institute of Education, Singapore, and SELF (Self-concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation), Singapore.
All Other Outputs
Yeung, S. S., Yang, L., Hui, L. P. (2017). Enhancing Student’s Learning Through Team-based Learning (TBL): A Practical Guide for TBL Practitioners. Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong.
Yang, L. (2016). Achievement emotions,school engagement, and feedback orientations of secondary students. The Education University of Hong Kong: School-based research report to seven secondary schools in Guangdong, Guangzhou Province.
Yang, L. (2016). Feedback beliefs and self-efficacy of Chinese teachers in seven secondary schools. The Education University of Hong Kong: School-based research report to seven secondary schools in Guangdong, Guangzhou Province.